Remboursement Xarelto 2,5 mg

We are delighted to announce that neurologists also have been recognised for the reimbursement of Xarelto 2.5mg in coronary artery disease (CAD) and peripheral artery disease PAD), since February 1, 2024.
Furthermore, the duration of acceptance has been changed, since the 3-year limit has been withdrawn.


Please find attached Bayer’s information letter: BE.XAR.VAE_Remboursement CADPAD_FR

Stroke Action Plan Europe – 11 May

For the European Stroke Awareness Day (May the 11th), The European Stroke Organisation and the Stroke Alliance for Europe are asking Europe officials to sign the Declaration of the Stroke Action Plan Europe (SAP-E)

Two members of the Belgian Stroke Council are involved in contacting the Belgian Authorities: Prof Sylvie de Raedt (Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) en Dr Matthieu Rutgers (Cliniques de l’Europe, Bruxelles).

Belgian Stroke Council:

Communiqué de presse

Lettre aux ministres