Scientific Board



“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.



“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.



“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.



“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.



“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.

The goal of the BSC is to provide information about stroke to the population and the politics, to ensure proper dissemination of standard of stroke care to the professional, and to listen to the patients suffering from stroke.

・Compostion of the Scientific Board・

Vice-President : ROBIN LEMMENS
Secretary General : SYLVIE DE RAEDT
President of the Scientific Board : NOEMIE LIGOT
Secretary website N : JELLE DEMEESTERE
Secretary website F : JEAN-MARC RAYMACKERS
Chair patient board : MIEK GRYPDONCK
Secretary patient board : KATRIEN ROOBROECK
Chair paramedical board : PIET TIMMERMAN

・Research Projects・

Voici un powerpoint diffusé par SAFE, the stroke patient voice in Europe, qui diffuse quelques projets européens auxquels votre centre pourrait participer.

Each year, the Belgian Stroke Association offers grants

BSC ESOC Travel Grant

With the intention of supporting young researchers, the yearly BSC ESOC Travel Grant will be granted to a young researcher (age ≤ 36 years and member of the BSC) and will be selected by an independent jury among several candidates.

The laureate will have the opportunity to briefly present his/her work during the 20th BSC International Symposium (December 4th 2020, Leuven) and will be offered a travel grant of to cover is/her participation to the 7th European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) in Lyon

Structured abstracts should present original work on all topics related to stroke, should not exceed 300 words, should be written in English and be submitted before November 6th 2021.

Previous laureates of the BSC ESOC travel grant

2020: Senna Staessens

2019 : Lauranne Scheldeman

2018 : Clément Brunner

2017 : Anke Wouters

2016 : Frederik Denorme


13 + 13 =

Helaers Research Prize for Stroke

En 2017, grâce à la Fondation Helaers, un prix annuel a été créé. Ce prix est décerné par le comité scientifique du Belgian Stroke Council, en récompense d’un travail de recherche en neurologie vasculaire.

Le 30 juin 2020, l’appel à projet 2020 a été clôturé. Le ou la lauréate présentera son projet lors du Symposium du Belgian Stroke Council, le 5 décembre 2020.

Réglement en français 

English version

Previous laureates of the Helaers Research Prize for Stroke

2020: Annelies Mondelaers

 2019 : Charlotte Germonpré

2018 : Caroline Loos

2017 : Sofie de Blauwe

10 livrets sur l'AVC

pour les patients et leurs proches

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