Advancing stroke care in Belgium

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BSC Scientific Symposium

Scientific Stroke Workshop








The BSC organises a yearly scientific stroke workshop. The goal of the event is to give early-carreer (<35yo)  stroke (-related) researchers a platform to share their work and the opportunity for networking.

The event is hosted at a Belgian University.

An independent jury awards the best presentation with the Peeters-Vanhooren travel grant for the European Stroke Conference.

Structured abstracts :

  • should present original work on all topics related to stroke,
  • should not exceed 300 words,
  • should be written in English.

Registration and abstract submission:


The 7th Belgian Scientific Stroke Workshop will take place at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg Genk on September 20th 2024.







Stroke research

Belgian Network for Clinical Stroke Trials (BENET)

The Belgian Network for Clinical Stroke Trials (BeNET) was created in 2019  within a working group of the Scientific Board of the Belgian Stroke Council. The overall aim is to establish a sustainable Clinical Stroke Trials Network of Belgian hospitals to improve the efficiency of conducting high-quality clinical trials on stroke prevention, treatment and recovery, thus increasing access of Belgian patients to new stroke treatments.
BeNET is part of the Belgian Stroke Council with a separate steering committee currently lead by Robin Lemmens. In 2020, BeNET joined the European Stroke Organization Trials Alliance (ESOTA). Currently 19 sites are involved in BeNET and we would like to invite additional centers to join. Please send an email to if you are interested in receiving more information or with a request to join BeNET.

List of participating centers

Stroke Action Plan Europe (SAP-E)

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) 2018-2030 was created as a result of collaborative work between Stroke Alliance For Europe (SAFE), a coalition that represents stroke support organisations across Europe, and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO). SAP-E addresses the entire chain of stroke care from primary prevention until life after stroke. It provides a roadmap and outlines recommendations and targets for 2030 to nudge governments towards improving stroke care.

If interested, please feel free to join the Belgian representatives, please contact Sylvie De Raedt ( )

Call for collaboration

Effect of virtual reality on gait pattern after chronic stroke (VUB)
Population: chronic (> 3 mo) stroke patients with persistent walking difficulties
Intervention: 2 treadmill walking sessions of 4×8 minutes
Link: more information

Intensive Stroke Rehabilitation – HABIT-ILE (UCL Namur)
Population: chronic (> 6 mo) stroke patients with hemiparesis affecting the hand / arm
Intervention: 50 hours of intensive therapy spread over 2 weeks
Link: more information

Yearly research grants offered by the Belgian Stroke Council

BSC Peeters-Vanhooren ESOC Travel Grant

With the intention of supporting young researchers, the yearly BSC Peeters-Vanhooren Travel Grant will be offered to the best presentation at the Belgian Stroke Council Scientific workshop.

The laureate will have the opportunity to briefly present his/her work during the BSC International Symposium and will be offered a travel grant to cover her/his participation to the European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC)

Previous laureates of the BSC Peeters-Vanhooren travel grant

2024: Femke Wouters

2023: Hannelore Kemps

2022 : Laura Ponsaert

2021: Chiara Tatillo

2020: Senna Staessens

Helaers Research Prize for Stroke

From 2017 onwards, the Helaers foundation is awarding an annual prize for innovative stroke research. The winner of this prize is selected by the Scientific Board of the Belgian Stroke Council. 


Deadline for abstract submission 2024


The winner of the prize will be presented at the Belgian Stroke Council Scientific Symposium. 

Rules & Regulations (English)

Réglement (Français)

Reglement (Nederlands)

Previous laureates of the Helaers Research Prize for Stroke

2024: Louise Maes

2023: Amina Sellimi

2022: Robin Gens

2021: Sarah Vandelanotte

2020: Annelies Mondelaers


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