Prevent, Treat and Support: a manifesto for stroke survivors

The Stroke Alliance for Stroke ( SAFE) and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) have published a manifesto outlining a number of keypoints to improve prevention, treatment and support for stroke patients across Europe. In the meantime, a letter has been sent to all Belgian members of the European Parliament and Belgian ministers of health, asking them to consider including these initiatives in their electoral programs. Read the manifesto here and the letter sent to our ministers here

AVC Bruxelles

AVC – groupe d’entraide Bruxelles

We are a group of people of all ages who have been affected by a stroke. We want to continue to live a normal life. We want to support people who are concerned about the same situation by offering to exchange our experiences, share our practices and come up with solutions to overcome the daily trials and fears. We communicate by email and organise meetings in and around Brussels.

We invite you to get in touch with us at the following address: or by telephone: 0470/20.37.44