BSC Applauds Initial Step in Stroke Care Structuring but Calls for Uniform Criteria Across Regions
On 23 May 2024, the BSC published a press release applauding the recognition of Belgian S2 centres, but calling for uniform certification criteria across the country. Read it here
Joint Statement ESO and SAFE commemorate European Stroke Awareness Day 9 May 2023
Europe is failing to provide adequate stroke care and support
The scale of stroke care crisis is laid bare by new data release
The scale of stroke care crisis is laid bare by new data release
New data collected as part of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) Stroke Service Tracker reveals the
gross inequity of access to care and support for stroke patients and stroke survivors across Europe.
The SAP-E was launched in 2018 to provide a framework for European governments to improve stroke care
and support for all European citizens. As part of this plan, data from 36 countries across Europe, covering
12 key areas of improvement, has been collected in and is available via the SAP-E website.