by Flavio Bellante | 20 Jun 2024 | associations, campagne, News, patients
The Stroke Alliance for Stroke ( SAFE) and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) have published a manifesto outlining a number of keypoints to improve prevention, treatment and support for stroke patients across Europe. In the meantime, a letter has been sent to all Belgian members of the European Parliament and Belgian ministers of health, asking them to consider including these initiatives in their electoral programs. Read the manifesto here and the letter sent to our ministers here
by Flavio Bellante | 20 Jun 2024 | campagne, Event, News, professionals
On 23 May 2024, the BSC published a press release applauding the recognition of Belgian S2 centres, but calling for uniform certification criteria across the country. Read it here
by Caroline Loos | 13 Nov 2023 | campagne, News
27/10/2023 – CVD awareness action
We need to implement health objectives into a Belgian Cardiovascular Health Plan. These objectives are critical to reduce mortality and morbidity caused by cardiovascular diseases. This plan was put forward by the newly formed Belgian Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (BACH). An awareness action at the Chamber of Representatives on November 9th was held to get political awareness and support.
Cardiovascular diseases are, together with cancer, the leading cause of death in Belgium. Yet they remain inadequately addressed. Over 1,000,000 people in Belgium suffer from these silent killers, resulting in 30,000 deaths and 4.5 billion euros in annual healthcare costs, with projections of further increases.
As being part of BACH, the first multi-stakeholder collaboration of universities, prevention organizations, scientific associations, and industry companies, we participated in the awareness action in the Chamber of Representatives in Brussels. We were glad to see many MP’s show their heart for the Belgian Cardiovascular Health Plan.
BACH is the multistakeholder alliance of: Hôpital Erasme – ULB, Belgian Stroke Council, Belgian Heart League, Saint-Luc UCLouvain, Belgian Society of Cardiology, UGent, Belgian Atherosclerosis Society, CHU UCL Namur, UZ Gent, Belgian Society of Cardiology, CHU de Liège, EAPC, Jessa ziekenhuis, AZ Groeninge, Belgian Heart League, UZ Leuven, AZ Sint-Jan, Belgian Hypertension Committee, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, MSD Belgium, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi Belgium and Servier.
#cardiovasculardiseases #Heartplan #CVD
by Caroline Loos | 9 May 2023 | associations, campagne, Event, News, patients, professionals, resources
Europe is failing to provide adequate stroke care and support
The scale of stroke care crisis is laid bare by new data release
New data collected as part of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) Stroke Service Tracker reveals the
gross inequity of access to care and support for stroke patients and stroke survivors across Europe.
The SAP-E was launched in 2018 to provide a framework for European governments to improve stroke care
and support for all European citizens. As part of this plan, data from 36 countries across Europe, covering
12 key areas of improvement, has been collected in and is available via the SAP-E website.
SAP-E Joint Statement for ESAD 2023
by Jelle Demeestere | 6 Oct 2021 | campagne, Event, News, patients, professionals, resources
Treatment of brain infarct becomes less effective over time. Earlier hospital admission and treatment may help avoid disability.
The Face-Arm-Speech-Time (FAST) score teaches us the most common symptoms of stroke, in order to recognize it faster and get treated!
Click on the images to see the FAST score explained!