The goal of the BSC is to provide information about stroke to the population and the politics, to ensure proper dissemination of standard of stroke care to the professional, and to listen to the patients suffering from stroke.



scientific exchange within Belgium by organising scientific meetings and collaborating with International Stroke Societies



guidelines in stroke prevention and treatment



with the pharmaceutical Industry in stroke prevention and treatment trials



clinical research in stroke



useful information to the press and the public

Every year 19,000 people are affected by a stroke in Belgium. The Belgian Stroke Council aims to provide an overview of the associations, campaigns, forums and conferences in Flanders, Wallonia and beyond.

Stroke, both cerebral haemorrhage and brain ischemia, is one of the primary causes of death and morbidity in industrialised countries. It causes permanent disability in many of the survivors. There has been important progress not only in the acute treatment but also in the prevention of stroke. Early treatment and reduction of the modifiable risk factors are important in declining the impact of stroke in our society.

It is necessary that Belgian medical doctors, interested in stroke, collaborate together, not only from a pure scientific point of view but also in order to be able to inform general practitioners on the changing concepts in stroke and to attract the attention of the public on the alarming signs. This would best be done in an organised scientific association. The Belgian Stroke Council groups together not only neurologists but also cardiologists, vascular surgeons, neuroradiologists, and also specialists in geriatrics, rehabilitation and intensive care. This initiative is supported by the Belgian Society of Neurology.

・Compostion of the BSC・

President : Noémie Ligot
Vice-President : Robin Lemmens
Secretary General : Sylvie De Raedt
Treasurer : Sofie De Blauwe
President of the Scientific Board : Jelle Demeestere
Secretary website Nl : Caroline Loos – Kim Bekelaar
Secretary website Fr : Jean-Marc Raymackers – Flavio Bellante
Chair patient board Fr: Pascal Lecomte
Chair patient board Nl: Kris Bracke
Chair paramedical board : Piet Timmerman

・Paramedic board・

Stroke care is a complex problem that needs a multidisciplinary approach.

Together with stroke neurologists, the paramedic board supports and reinforces the Belgian Stroke council with the goal of achieving a higher level of care for stroke patients.

To achieve this goal, the paramedic board:

  • Supports and co-promotes awareness campaigns of the European and World Stroke day
  • Is responsible for the content of the neurovascular postgraduate training
  • Cooperates with the Belgian Society for Neurological Nursing (BVNV) to organize continued education on stroke care during the annual conference
  • Partners with local care quality initiatives such as BIC4stroke and VIKZ
  • Functions as an expert body
  • Updates a calendar on planned regional training and information sessions concerning stroke care on the website of the BSC and/or BVNV
  • Provides a framework for peer-to-peer learning and networking
  • Helps colleagues with practical problems

If we inform our colleagues better, we can represent them better.

Our team is always on the lookout for young, engaged professionals. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our team. At the moment, the paramedical board would benefit from reinforcement by an occupational therapist, social worker, psychologist and dietician


There is an increasing need for professional cooperation in the field of stroke treatment and prevention.  The Belgian Stroke Council is expanding to address this need. By joining the BSC, you’ll have access to some of the brightest minds in the country. Also, BSC members have free access to the yearly scientific symposium.

  • Other benefits include :
    Networking with colleagues from around the globe
    Receiving access to the latest scientific research
    Receiving discounts to conferences and journals
    Receiving research funding opportunities
    And more…

Registration fees

  • Individual Membership is 50 € / year.
  • Reduced Fee for residents in training or paramedics is 20 € / year.
  • Patient will have free membership.

All memberships purchased are active from the 1st of September until the same date the following year.


If you are willing to help us

  • Providing quality information
  • Giving sound education
  • Encouraging research
  • Supporting patients associations

Please use the registration form and make a donation directly via the website, or by bank transfer to BE84 3101 4141 3659 (BIC: BBRUBEBB), with the communication “donation“.

Donation form

・Sister Associations・


The mission of the ESO is to reduce the burden of stroke. ESO aims to improve stroke care by providing medical education to healthcare professionals and the lay public.


Our vision is a world where people live free from the effects of stroke. This vision drives our global effort to improve stroke prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support.


The Belgian Neurological Society is a scientific organization open to neurologists, neurologists in training and healthcare professionals with an interest in neurology. 

Our sponsors


Patients and caregivers’ testimonials

10 booklets about Stroke



What’s a Stroke?



Become a BSC member